The Church Engages the World | Fr. Charles Zlock
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Posts from the ‘The Church Engages the World’ Category

Lenten Reflection

Lent: intertwining effective people, “SMART Goals” and St. Ignatius Loyola.

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YEAR OF FAITH - Sacrosanctum Concilium and Liturgy

Ideas on how the liturgy could (or even "should") be celebrated.

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Where Are You, God?

Some words and reflections on Sandy Hook from a priest, an archbishop, a university school minister and me.

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The New Evangelization - Notes From “Theo-on-Tap”

Theology-On-Tap NE Philly held its monthly gathering on October 15, ,2012. Here are the notes from the topic: The New Evangelization

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Leadership - Build on the Rock or Don’t Bother Building At All

The challenge of striking the right balance of using the SUPERnatural gifts while integrating the natural gifts and talents that the Lord has provided.

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Priesthood - The (not so new) Normal

Holiness is not applied with chrism and the laying on of hands. Priests are holier than none by virtue of being priests. If they achieve holiness, it is by the same virtues available to each of us.

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