Clair Systems will be responsible for implementing the new sound system for spoken voice and sung voice at St. Monica. This will entail first removing the old speaker system, old speakers and sound control panel. That was accomplished this week by Clair in cooperation with the project management company, Warfel.
The sound boxes that held for old voice speakers in the side isles will be covered, sealed and painted.
Previous speakers were aimed directly downward at the side isles of the church. Thus no sound was actually “aimed” at the people in the pews. Now, 6 new speakers for singing voices will be positioned on the ceiling. These speakers will be installed and cantered so that the sound is “aimed” at the people sitting in the pews.
A sophisticated software program was used to strategically position the new speakers so that the highest quality sound and sound “coverage” is attained throughout the church. In a few weeks, after everything is installed, Clair will return to “tune” both the spoken voice system and the sung voice system as well.