Analysis: What is a “Missionary Discipleship Parish?” | Fr. Charles Zlock
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Analysis: What is a “Missionary Discipleship Parish?”

This self diagnosis exercise was developed by Tom Glemkowski. It is found in his book, Made for Mission: Renewing Your Parish Culture. It can help people determine whether or not your parish is a “growing” parish.


1. Our parish has a shared vision and/or mission statement that focuses on the importance of discipleship for our community

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2. The vast majority of our regular parish community knows what our vision and/or mission as a parish is.

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3. Our pastor has a leadership team that supports him in discipleship and evangelization efforts at a strategic level.

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4. Our homilists regularly preach on the need for relationship with Jesus.

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5. Our parish has staff members available specifically for the work of evangelization and discipleship.

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6. Our parish has evangelization opportunities readily available to everyone in our community.

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7. Our parish has discipleship opportunities readily available to everyone in our community.

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8. The vast of majority of our parish community understands what is means to be a disciple of Jesus.

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9. The vast of majority of our parish community has attended an evangelization series and/or been part of a a discipleship small group.

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10. Parishioners are encouraged to become leaders and provided with formation and training to do so multiple times a year.

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Add up your total. A total of 50 means a strong and flourishing parish which is the goal. A lower score shows room for improvement in certain areas in order for growth to happen.




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