Don’t Start Your Day Without Him

I’m writing this on a Monday morning. While awake, but still in bed, my mind raced through a list of things that I must do today, tomorrow, next week, next month. My mind raced through places I must go: renew my driver’s license, grocery shopping, a doctor’s appointment. I’m exhausted before my foot touches the floor. My efforts to make all this happen aren’t enough. None will happen without grace from Jesus and acknowledging Him as my partner in this life.

I must give Jesus some morning time. I need to focus on what He wants from me and I must take time to listen to Him. One short, and one longer, morning prayer sample follows. May it help you begin your day on the right foot or help you compose your own prayer to share with Jesus.

“DEAR LORD, each morning as I begin to wake, I pray that the first thought would be of You and of your unfailing love for me. I pray that You would give me wisdom for every single situation I will be facing today. Show me what I should do and where I should go. I trust my life to you. Amen.” Tiffany Thibault (See:

“GOOD MORNING, LORD! Today’s a new day, a chance for a new start. Yesterday is gone and with it any regrets, mistakes, or failures I may have experienced. It’s a good day to be glad and give thanks, and I do, Lord. Thank you for today, a new opportunity to love, give, and be all that you want me to be. Today I want to start the day with you on my mind and in my heart. As I dress, let me wear the armor you’ve provided daily: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the belt of you, the petitions for those around me and those I meet.

Feed me today with your daily bread. As the Bread of Life, your food, like manna, will sustain me throughout any trials and hungers. Help me to set my thoughts on things above and to speak only what will help and encourage others. Keep me from putting my foot in my mouth, and help me guard the affections of my heart today.

Lord, make whatever work I do be marked with excellence rather than perfectionism. May I seek not to make a name, but to make a difference. Help me to treat each person I encounter as you would, with respect and love. May I forgive others and asking for forgiveness myself when needed. As I start this day, help me remember that I belong to you, and my desire to act accordingly. Keep my feet from stumbling and my mind from wandering into distractions. These only steal precious time and energy from the important things you have designed for me.

I’m proud to be your child, Lord. I’m grateful that you died for me - rising again on your own new morning - so that every day could be filled with the wonder of your love, the freedom of your Spirit, and the joy of knowing you. I know earthly life is short and fleeting, Lord. I want to live today as if it were the first or the last day of my life. Let me give thanks for every good and perfect gift you choose to give. Today, and every day, I want to live my life for you, Jesus. In your precious name, Amen. Rebecca Barlow Jordan (See

From a Saint Monica Sojourner…Blessings and Peace to you as we journey together in Encountering Christ in Word, Liturgy, Charity, and Community.

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