After examining the Parish Vision of St. Monica, the ADULT FAITH FORMATION (AFF) committee decided to place their energies and focus this year specifically on PRAYER at St. Monica Parish. The particular items on which they have been working are listed below. Additional updates will be posted as they become available.
- Presentation by Fr. Zlock At McKensey’s on “Prayer - Pathway to God and Holiness” (September 16, 2014)
- Prayer Panel Event - Speaker or speakers who will discuss prayer, prayer forms and traditions. (Date, time, locations and speakers TBA).
- Book for Christmas Distribution - Currently the AFF is examining several books. One will be chosen to be distributed at Christmas
- “Living Rosary” AFF is considering this idea that was developed by FOCCUS. Take a look at their link here for further information.
- A “Prayer Intentions Book” will be placed at the entrance of the church for people to write their own, personal intentions. Arrangements will also be made for people who would wish to anonymously have prayer intentions considered.
- A “Parish Prayer Intention” will be announced before Mass each week. The hope is that the entire parish will pray for this intention during their won private prayer time during the course of the week.
The Weekly Parish Prayer Intentions for September are provided below:
September 6/7
Lord, we pray for the young people of our parish as they return to the challenging environments of school and after school activities. We also pray that You strengthen their parents and caregivers, as they guide their children’s choices and growth. We pray that they reach out to You through prayer, for You are the antidote to the anxiety which this world creates. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen
September 13/14
Jesus, you taught the disciples through your words and your ultimate sacrifice. We pray for all of those involved in the religious education program here at St. Monica. They are sacrificing their time and giving of themselves unselfishly. Inspire their study and work so that teachers and students will draw closer to You. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
September 20/21
Lord, we pray today for the staff of St. Monica parish and our pastor, Father Zlock. Let them have discerning minds to prioritize the precious minutes of their day as well as the agenda of our church. Help them discern what is most important, and be guarded against the tyranny of the urgent. We pray that through their work, they strengthen their relationship with You and the parish at large. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
September 27/28
Lord, the St. Monica chapter of Walking with Purpose starts meeting this week. Please bless the leaders of this group, who have invested their faith, time and energy into bringing this gift to our parish. Please also bless the women who will be attending Walking with Purpose. They have recognized their need to draw closer to You through prayer and study of Your Word. May their efforts provide them with inner peace and communion with Your will. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
The Weekly Parish Prayer Intentions for October are provided below:
October 5th- Lord, we pray for our parish women enrolled in the St Monica Walking with Purpose Scripture Program that they continue to deepen and enrich their relationship with Jesus and share his word and love with others. We ask this through Christ, our Lord….Amen
October 12th- Jesus, as the middle school youth group program begins we ask that you bless each child to follow in your path of service, spreading joy to others and remain faithful to your word. We ask this through Christ, our Lord…. Amen
October 19th- Lord, we pray for a successful “Called and Gifted Seminar” as our parish parishioners begin an exploration to discern their gifts/charisms and learn to share them with others in the hope of bringing all to the Lord’s Table. We ask this through Christ, our Lord…. Amen
October 26th- - Almighty and ever faithful Lord, as our parish councils begin another year of service we pray they are filled with desire and respond to your call for discipleship by shaping their lives in imitation of Christ. As stewards of your gifts may they cherish and tend them in a responsible manner, share them in practice and love with others. We ask this through Christ, our Lord…. Amen