In support of the Parish’s vision, “We will help you discover God’s call. We will help you live it,” the Adult Faith Formation Committee will be launching several prayer-based initiatives in the coming months.
The first, a parish wide prayer intention, was started in the beginning of September. Each week, the intention will be announced before Mass begins and will also be published in the parish bulletin. The hope is that this prayer intention will focus on the needs of the Parish itself and that parishioners will include the Parish intention in their own prayers for the coming week.
Second, in October, we will be installing a prayer intention book at the back of the Church. This book will be brought up during the procession and placed on the altar during Mass. For those who are uncomfortable with publicly placing their intentions in the book, there will also be an anonymous prayer request form on the St. Monica web site. The intentions placed there will be prayed for by a group of volunteer prayer warriors.
Third, after all of the Christmas Masses, a free book about prayer will be distributed to every family in attendance. The committee is currently reviewing several different books and will be selecting one by October 4.
Finally, we are in the process of planning a “Prayer Panel.” We have invited several people from different walks of life to speak about their prayer habits and traditions. The date is TBD but it is envisioned for a Saturday evening after the 5:00 Mass. Food and refreshments will be provided.
Would you like to be one of the prayer warriors who helps us pray for the anonymous intentions? If so, please contact Bridget Tomasicchio at [email protected].