Interesting & Favorite Websites | Fr. Charles Zlock
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Interesting & Favorite Websites

Some Personal Favorites. I know them, I’ve used them, I’ve found them to be very effective. Take a look:


  • Daily and Sunday Readings from Mass (Lectionary On-Line)
  • Bible On-Line
  • (Need to find a Bible reference? Click “Advanced Search,” “Reference” tab and enter some wording. Rest of site is rich source of resources.)
  • Augustine Institute. Serves the formation of Catholics for the New Evangelization. Through academic and parish programs (RCIA, Youth Programs, Liturgy of the Word) they equip Catholics intellectually, spiritually, and pastorally to renew the Church and transform the world for Christ.
  • Catherine of Siena Institute is dedicated to equipping parishes for the New Evangelization and in the formation of lay Catholics for the sake of their mission in the world. They provide innovative programs, resources, and leadership training (such as the “Spiritual Gifts Inventory”and the “Called and Gifted” discernment process) that are faithful to Church teaching and will enable your parish to become a dynamic center of lay discipleship, formation, and mission.
  • Alpha for Catholics (An effective, practical tool to awaken faith in people outside the faith or on the fringe of parish life and nourish faithful Catholics.)

Exciting Organizations and Initiatives:

News and Communications:

  • Zenit (Short articles, vignettes, updates pertaining to the Catholic Church from the Vatican)
  • Whispers in the Loggia (One of the first and now a leader in Catholic blogging)


  • Pennsylvania Stream Flows (To know how the water is were the fish are)
  • Weather Underground (Great weekly view) and NOAA Weather Site (For you weather junkies who like more details… pick a city, scroll down, read the “forecast discussion” to see what the weather will be near the water where the fish are)
  • Cabelas (Every boy needs his own “toy store” to buy the stuff to block out the weather in order to get in/near the water where the fish are).
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